In the heart of Sunlake High School, a spirited and dedicated student council member, Yasmine Al-Sheleh, helped lots in organizing this year’s flower grams, creating a memorable experience for both the students involved and the recipients of the floral surprises. The flower grams initiative, an annual tradition at Sunlake High School, involves students sending and receiving surprise bouquets as a way to spread love and positivity throughout the school community. Yasmine shared her insights on the project, highlighting the exceptional teamwork that made this year’s flower grams particularly special. “Everyone had designated jobs, and we were very efficient.”

Yasmine’s role involved making notes and assisting in finding people’s schedules, a task she found both enjoyable and heartwarming. “Making the notes was fun and so sweet,” she expressed, reflecting on the personal touch that went into each flower gram. Undoubtedly, Yasmine’s favorite part of the entire experience was the preparation and delivery of the flowers. “I love seeing people’s faces light up,” she shared, highlighting the joy that the flower grams brought to both the givers and the recipients. Despite the overwhelming success, Yasmine did provide constructive feedback on the online order process. “I think that the online order process could be a little more user-friendly,” she suggested. “Overall, I loved preparing the flower grams, and I’m looking forward to doing it again next year!” she exclaimed, showcasing the positive impact such initiatives have on fostering a sense of community within the school.