Sunlake senior Aleily Serrano had an eventful Valentine’s day week. On Wednesday, she spent Valentine’s day with her boyfriend. To begin the day, they ate delicious donuts and exchanged handmade cards. Aleily mentioned excitedly that “Rico is always very creative when making cards for me, so I really appreciated it a lot.” Later that night they went out to eat dinner at Carrabba’s, which they had planned because it is one of Aleily’s favorite resturants. Aleily exclaimed that, “Dinner was great! Carrabba’s was perfect because I love eating pasta and spending time with my best friend.” Ricardo topped off the night by giving Aleily handmade glitter roses. In response to this amazing night Aleily said that, “I feel very loved and appreciated that he took the time to make my day very special and I now keep the glitter roses in a vase in my room.”
Throughout the rest of the week, Aleily continued to aim her focus on family, school, work, and the gym. She helped with things like taking her younger sister to piano lessons and doing extra tasks around work. Aleily then spent the rest of her lovely week spending time with her family members that have came to visit from Ohio.