The school year is only 4 weeks away, meaning summer will soon be over. It has been a wonderful summer filled with various activities, sports, and other types of fun. As we get closer to the end of summer, we like to reflect on what has happened. What were the best parts? What kind of places did we go to? So an upcoming sophomore was interviewed about his summer.

Photo Credit: Michael Lyon
Michael Lyon is a sophomore at Sunlake High School. He had so much fun during his first year of high school and he even said, ” I can’t wait to return to our wonderful school. It’s just so amazing.” This summer has been an eventful one for Michael. He said, ” My summer so far has been amazing. I went on a vacation to Europe in Mauritius, specifically Paris, London, and Amsterdam.” He also added that during his summer, ” I’ve been keeping up my baseball skills over the summer by going to my local rec center.” As mentioned early in this story, we don’t have long until the next school year so as Michael begins to set into his sophomore year he said that, ” I’m very excited to see my friends everyday and excited for some new classes.”