This summer Sunlake students Meghan Wimbley, Cherity Powells, Sam Bueno, and Kaycie Hyde traveled to Atlanta for a tournament with their AAU basketball team, Tampa Ignite. Little did they know that they would end up taking a surprise tour of the facility belonging to one of the newest and fastest growing basketball companies; Overtime. They were introduced to where Overtime athletes play, practice, workout, and learn in their education system. Cherity mentions that, “I was surprised by the education system put into place by OTE. I thought Overtime mainly focused on the sports side of things, but its good to see that they prioritize an athletes education and well-being.” Along with this they got to go behind the scenes, and see where Overtime’s content creation takes place in their photography rooms, and social media workplaces. Kaycie says that, “I didn’t expect to see all of the ways Overtime is run, and all that it takes to run a business like Overtime.

To put a close on their visit, they got to listen to Shea Dawson, the creator of Overtimes new girl’s basketball league; Overtime Select. Meghan remarks that, “It was special to hear about the journey of a woman in sports, as someone who hopes to work in the field someday and it definitely inspired me to go at my goals now.” On the way out, each of the girls took away Overtime merchandise and an unforgettable experience. If they got the chance to visit Overtime again, each one of them hopes to see the locker room, watch Overtime Select games, and even get to meet some of their favorite players to see their perspective of the program.