Cadance Carver is a junior here at Sunlake High School she enjoyed her summer while still balancing a summer job. Cadance worked at Happy Hangar Cafe and was a server. She has been working at Happy Hanger Cafe for about six months, and she hopes to continue through college. Cadance enjoys working at Happy Hangar Cafe. She states “I love my job because I make great tips and get to see my favorite customers.” Cadance loves the people and the environment surrounding Happy Hangar Cafe. Happy Hangar Cafe is a Cafe at the Tampa North Flight Center. The Tampa North Flight Center is a small airport for the Wesley Chapel Civil Air Patrol. When dining at Happy Hangar Cafe you get the opportunity to enjoy some delicious food while watching planes land and take off. People can also get an opportunity to get on a flight of their own. Though Cadance spent her summer working, she also did some other things such as travel for lacrosse and attend a showcase. Cadance worked hard this summer while still getting to travel and enjoy her break.