During the summer, a lot of students going into their junior year get a summer job. Getting a summer job can be a great opportunity for teens to get valuable work experience, develop new skills like responsibility and time management, and earn extra money. At Sunlake high school, junior Briana McGregor got a job working at chick fil a. She has been working at Chick Fil A for 4 months now and said, “I choose to work there because I wanted to get money so I can buy anything I want.” With any job there comes with the likes and dislikes about the job. Her favorite part about working at Chick Fil A is, “The team members are very kind and I get free meals on my lunch breaks. A lot of jobs don’t give out free food during your lunch break so this is something that’s really nice about working at Chick Fil A.” Briana also stated that she dislikes “Going outside in uniform because it’s very humid outside and doing dishes because it can be nasty.” Briana is very excited in general to be working at Chick Fil A and loves the environment.