Always a Silver Lining – Reese & Keene Mecfessel
October 7, 2020
For some, starting Highschool isn’t easy, there’s a lot of new people and things you have to know. On top of that this new school year comes with a lot of new challenges even for people that are used to Highschool, luckily some of us have siblings to help us along the way.

Keene Meckfessel, who is a junior this year and doing online school has had to adapt to the changes himself. Nonetheless he always finds time to help his sister Reese who is a freshman this year. When asked about if having to stay home this summer brought them closer together Keene said “ Of course, we were pretty much forced to bond.” Keene also said they don’t share many interests but they found ways to bond nonetheless.
This school year is different because most of the time when you have a younger sibling you get to show them around the school, help them meet new people and show them where their classes are. This year however is different because they aren’t going to school. Keene said “I feel like it’s going to be harder for her to transition into Sunlake like everyone else.” Nonetheless they can still help each other.
When asked about classes Reese said the hardest class she was taking was AP Human Geography. Keene said “It’s easy to help her since I’ve already taken most of the classes she has.” This goes to show that no matter the situation siblings always have the opportunity to help each other and lift each other up. Even in these new and sometimes challenging circumstances there can be a silver lining.