Dear You,

Zoe Resina, student


You and I , 

Our lives have crossed paths more times than it should,

this is us .
One of many goofy pictures of Owen and I. (Zoe )

Weaving in and out of the timeline of our lives, 

 searching for that breakpoint in the ice. 

Then bam, the timeline crashes and collides.  

Forcing our lives to be changed by one impulsive decision, 

I was always taught that impulsivity was a dreadful thing, a negative aspect to people like you and I . 

But I believe it is a beautiful thing, it’s out of the overly dramatized norm of society. What does even mean to be normal or to fit in?  

You and I are so different and yet our lives crashed right into each other.  

We Blended so perfectly, a balance that can’t be unbroken.  

If it wasn’t for the one spontaneous decision where would we be? 

Would you have even truly met me 

Or would I be another stranger you see from time to time 

If impulsivity did not exist, there wouldn’t be a you and me, there would not be an us.  

There wouldn’t be those nighttime adventures. 

Those deep conversations that can go on for hours and still have so much to say. 

There would never be any car duets. 

There would be no singing for me, 

And if impulsivity did not exist, nether would I. 

Being spontaneous is beautiful.  

Without it where would we be, 

There would be no you and there would be no me. 

So, our lives will continue to cross paths and crash into each other occasionally, cause that’s how we are, you and I  

So remember to stay spontaneous for me . 

love you.  

-your sister , Zojo 🙂