A Junior Drummer
Roman Muniz waiting and listening on where he is suppose to come in the performance.
March 6, 2023
“I’ve been playing snare for around two years now,” said junior Roman Muniz. Who has a growing passion for the snare drum stating on how he has “…done it for that long because it takes a long time to master, [but] always gives me something new to learn.” The snare drum is a unique instrument with lots of patterns and techniques you need to remember when playing the instrument, that is a reason on why he likes to play the snare is that “…I get to play complicated rhythms and be the listening source of the entire band.” But of how Roman took part in this role is when he “auditioned for snare just because I could, but now it’s something I’m genuinely passionate about and I hope to continue in DCI and WGI after high school.” The most important thing about playing a instrument is the community around it, he explains on how he likes the whole drum line as a whole “…because it’s a really tight knit group of people and we all get along really well. We all get to work toward the common goal of not sucking.”