During this school year, there was a slight 2-day interruption in the form of Hurricane Idalia, which was speeding its way to Sunlake High School. The hurricane was a divisive topic among the Seahawk population, some being true Floridians who had went through enough hurricanes to stay unbothered by a new one, and others who got worried and started preparing for the worst. Junior Angelina Gonzalez being the former option; she was so unbothered that she and her Junior friend Maggie Chauncy went biking during the hurricane. Angelina stated, “…my friend Maggie and I had a great time, and afterward I stayed in watching movies as the hurricane passed.” She saw the hurricane as a new hangout opportunity and was thankful for the work free, 2-day break from school that it gave her.
While Angelina was being carefree and fun during the hurricane she still made sure to prepare for it in case of emergency by “…immediately moving furniture inside, and giving my dog lots of time outdoors in case we had to stay in.” She went on to speak about how even though she was being adventurous and going out during the storm she still made time to prepare for it a little because “…safety is most important above all other things.” After Hurricane Idalia passed, she stated, “I was worried we’d be out of school for a long while, but thankfully we didn’t get the brunt of it.” She was happy the Sunlake population wasn’t hurt that much by the hurricane and she made sure to pray for all the areas that were more greatly effected by Idalia. Overall, Idalia was a short lived period during the year: some people relaxed, some people stressed, and some people went biking.