Gwyn Taylor is putting the pep in pep rally! Squeezed into the football stands, the whole school was ready to show some spirit. The stands were filled with students in teal, black and gold showing their enthusiasm for Sunlake. The whole school day was planned around the pep rally: the spirit day (school colors) inspired by it and the schedule changed because of it.

Gwyn is just a freshman, so she didn’t know what to expect from a high school pep rally. Classes had been shortened and shifted to allow time for the event. Gwyn, though, didn’t mind how the pep rally changed the school schedule, saying, “I liked the new schedule because it was fun to do something new.” On her way to the pep rally, she waited in a long line of people to enter the stands. When asked about the weather, Gwyn told us that “…it was really, really hot, but also windy.” A typical day in Florida, the temperature was in the 90s, and the sun was shining bright for a performance on the football field.
The seniors were performing their skit live in front of the whole school. Typically, the winning skit is the one that performs at the homecoming pep rally. However, as skit got cancelled on Wednesday, there was no winner. Gwyn explains that “…since there was no winner for skit, the school let the seniors perform for the school, because it’s their last year in high school.” Gwyn says that her view of the skit was “…great, I could see everything.” She enjoyed the performance, and her “…favorite part was the dancing, because it was funny.” Gwyn’s sister, Campbell Taylor, was on the field, playing Wonder Woman. Gwyn admits, “I felt proud watching my sister in the skit. I think she did a really good job.”
There weren’t many activities, besides the skit, that took place during the pep rally. The football players sat on the field in their jerseys to set the tone for the game. The cheerleaders sat on the sidelines and didn’t perform, saving their energy for the game that night. A few shirt’s got tossed into the crowd, and each fall sport was announced. Gwyn said that if she were to change anything about the pep rally she would “…make it have more activities. Because other than the skit, not much happened.”
All in all, Gwyn enjoyed her time at the pep rally and is excited for the next one!