Maryam Victor is a junior attending Sunlake High School and taking a class called AP United States History, also known as APUSH. APUSH is an acronym for Advanced Placement United States History class, and for this class, students must take an end-of-the-year exam that gives credit for a college class. Students have listen to lectures each week, practice writing and grading essays for the exam, and have quizzes every Friday. Maryam stated, “This class is one of my favorites to go to. Although I hate history as a subject, the lecture is always interesting, and Mr. Taylor makes history so much more intriguing. I have learned a lot more from the way things are taught in this class than any other class I have taken.” APUSH is not an easy class to take, it is meant to be hard since it is a college level class. Students must put in a lot of effort and work. This class is also not very hands-on, with Maryam saying, “…we listen and write more than we color and draw. We have watched a couple of videos for better visual representation. The most hands-on activity we have done is the poster we have made this week about specific people who started movements, such as the anti-slavery movement, and how it helped create the public school education system.” The one thing Maryam would change about the class is adding more hands-on activities.