Stepping on the line at 7:20 in the morning, antsy and anticipating, the Sunlake Cross Country boys were ready to run like their lives depended on it. They had been invited to one of the biggest races in the state: the Florida Runners Race of Champions at Holloway Park. Runners traveled from all over the country to compete in the race. The parking lot was filled to the brim with thousands of cars. Several photographers and journalists were scattered around the event. Humongous crowds of spectators ran from viewing point to viewing point to cheer.
Junior Joaquin Abanses, who has been running for several years, explained that “…going into the race, I felt nervous, but I had ran the course many times, so I knew what to expect.” The 5k course at Holloway Park is nothing to scoff at as it is arguably the most difficult course in Florida. Joaquin said “…the course is tough, it is very hilly.” Florida isn’t known for its hills, so a course filled with them is a rare phenomenon. However, the Sunlake cross country boys did all they could to prepare for it with several hill workouts and long runs on hills. They were ready to give the course a run for its money.

The race started on a steady incline and then progressed into a wooded path with several twists and turns. The Sunlake boys ran fast in hopes of dominating the competition. Joaquin “…felt really good for the first half of the race, but started falling back the last mile.” Even with his set back at the end of the race, Joaquin medaled and ran a personal best time for the course; he was happy with the outcome. Several other Sunlake boys also medaled, including senior Josh Hindman, sophomore Christian Hindman, and sophomore Oscar Brown.
The boys ended up finishing second overall, but first in the 4A division. The boys have been performing strong all season and they are hoping “…to win the state title this season.” They are currently ranked first in the 4A state rankings and second in the whole state. They definitely have a shot at bringing home the gold.