Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a day of remembrance for one of the most significant leaders of the Civil Rights movement. Many Sunlake students do varying things to celebrate the holiday, from going to parades to watching MLK documentaries. Junior Nora Ware spoke on how she celebrated the holiday, as she stated, “I read into the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and how MLK’s activism influenced it. I additionally learned some fun facts, such as how he is the only non-president whose birthday is a national holiday.” She was excited to celebrate the holiday that commemorated, “MLK’s contributions toward equality that have forever changed how we interact with each other; he used non-violence and compassion in his advocacy to allow people from all racial backgrounds to coexist without boundaries.” She believes it is an important and informative holiday that teaches people today about the United States’ past and the fight for equality that was had here. Nora stated how MLK made changes that, “…happened less than a century ago. Their (MLK’s) massive impact on us is indicative of what improvements are possible in the future. A holiday like this forces us to look into the near past to not only appreciate the positive changes history has brought us, but to recognize the struggles that have stained history in order to avoid repeating them.” Nora cherishes the MLK holiday and enjoys celebrating it every year, as it is a holiday that remembers a man that changed all of the US for the better and pioneered a path for more equality.
MLK Day!
Jack Svendgard, Staffer
January 17, 2024
Nora researching about Martin Luther King Jr. to celebrate the holiday. She is excited to learn more about this influential, historical figure. She loves learning more about Martin Luther King Jr. and his historical significance.
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About the Contributor
Hi, my name is Jack and I have been a part of Yearbook/Student Newspaper since my Sophomore year. This year I am an Associate Section Editor, I put stories into the finalized book. Being on this staff team has helped me meet new people and learn about different perspectives, and I am so thankful for everything it has given me. I am very excited for this new timeless book we are creating, and I'm so honored to capture all the different events throughout the year.