It was a tough year both mentally and physically for the girls wrestling team. This year, they overcame and achieved great things with the coaches helpful encouragement and with the team’s support for one another. They had practices everyday after school to enhance their wrestling skills, which ended up working out looking at the team’s achievement levels throughout the season. The team has shown to be like a family and this was a year of bonding for all the new wrestlers that joined the group. From a squad of 3 to a squad of 8 the team was more alive and active that ever before. There were loses but the season was made up of a numerous amounts of wins.

The team has grown an amazing bond, one where everyone is always being uplifted. The sport gives the girls an outlet where they do the pastime they love with a circle of caring teammates around them. The team is put through grueling workouts and exercises to get to the levels of wrestling they are at, but it is all worth it when they are able to show their new skills out on the mat. Their were tons of individual accomplishments in the season; Junior Kristy Moore placing 1st a District 8 Championships, junior Izabella Kullman placing 2nd at Lady Wildcat Scramble, and freshman Cameron Lord placing 2nd at Girls wrestling Sunshine Athletic Conference, to name a few.

The team achieved their first team title at the 2024 Girls Wrestling Sunshine Conference. This season shows how the Sunlake girls wrestling team will keep on improving and getting better and better and will be a team to watch expand and grow moving forward. All in all, the girls soared above in all the tournaments and competitions they took part in, the wrestlers grew in skill and in comradery.