Summer of Kindness


This summer was not what any of us expected; locked in our house and having to wear masks everywhere we go. Some of us laid in bed all day while others decided to pick up on new hobbies. Geoffrey Brown a senior here at Sunlake decided to use this time to give back to our essential workers. When asked how this summer was different for him, Geoffrey responded, “This summer was different for in that it was the first time I’ve really ever been challenged with boredom. I think this goes for a lot of teens when I say that the shelter in place orders and social distancing really did a number on mental health. For me, it was good in a sense that I was able to do these projects and discover a little more of myself.”

Geoffrey Brown created little goodie bags and care packages for nurses and doctors around the Tampa Bay area. When asked how he created the care packages for the essential works and nurses this summer Brown replied, “I first asked for donations from my local community, friends, and lacrosse team; that got me off to a good start. I also put up a gofundme page for people to donate money if they chose to do it that way , Things started off to take off when News Channel 8 did a story on the project. We garnered about $600 that night in monetary donations, which allowed us to not only serve one hospital but two others as well.”

Geoffrey also wanted each package to contain a handwritten note. He partnered with other clubs from Sunlake High School such as, Key Club and Project Helping. Inside each package, Geoffrey tailor them to what the hospital workers wanted, some wanted gum, others just wanted snacks.