The Simple Things, Feat. Atticus Ama


Sophomore, Atticus Ama, stands by his pride and joy; his compost bin.

Andrew McEntire, Staffer

Fixations vary from person to person. Most may draw or play video games, while others may partake in some arts and crafts. With all the individual personalities and variety of options, this student might just take the cake. Atticus Shane Ama, Sophomore, shares a unique craze: composting.

He explains, “I started in October, I got into composting because it is good for the environment, and it is a relaxing process to me.” He goes into depth, “To me, it is a long process that involves using used material and bringing them back to the earth. I find it relaxing how I am watching one material turn into what almost seems like another material, soil.”

He casually catches us up on his work, saying, “The compost was not going great when it was very cold in the winter because the water from the rain was having trouble evaporating. However, right now the compost is going pretty well and I have been letting it dry up.”

Composting produces a product. So, what’s one to do to with the result? Atticus explains, “I mostly just wanted to make some compost, while in the back of my mind I was thinking about using it for a garden. I plan on using it in a little garden bed I now own.” He explains the type of plants he’d grow would be, “pretty much any edible ones such as onions or tomatoes.

“I most definitely wish it was a more widespread thing because it is great for the environment, and it keeps trash out of your trash. I would recommend composting as long as you are ok with your yard looking a little messy.” For those who find interest in this patient hobby, he notes, “If someone were to start, I would recommend them to not add any clay dirt. Get a rolling composter and try not to add too much water.”

Sophomore, Atticus Ama’s flourishing 5-month-old compost.