A True Doer, Feat. Logan Hawes



Junior, Logan Hawes, seen as #62, playing in summer training camp.

Andrew McEntire, Staffer

Introducing 6+ year veteran hockey player, pet shelter volunteer, and a certifiably good noodle, is one Logan Hawes. His inspirational efforts are partially credited to his ultimate goal. As he states, “I volunteer at a pet shelter. This is just for work hours for Bright Futures, so this job is not for the future (career-wise).” He continues, “I definitely want to try to go into Florida State University, but it’s really hard to get in, so Bright Futures would definitely help.”

However, it isn’t all business as Logan states, “I play hockey, which is another way to get into college because they have a really good hockey team there. Right now, I’m going to be going to the junior’s team, which will help me get into FSU. Most of my motivation is hockey, as well as the people I’m surrounded by. It helps being around those people and I just love the sport that much. I like playing it every day!” He delves into the topic a bit further, saying his muses for joining the sport are “My grandparents, which actually my mom blames my grandparents because hockey is a lot of money and they’re despising my grandparents for getting me into hockey. I’m actually very grateful for them.” Following this with a concerned look, he quickly clarifies “It’s not like hatred despise, it’s more like playful despise because she loves that I play hockey.”

one serious Logan Hawes, Junior, out on the rink for a summer training camp. (Unknown)

He goes on, “My mom is my inspiration for sure. She does so much work as a nurse and I just kind of want to be like her.” Continuing, “Hockey is definitely long term, but if not then I have a plan B, which is: I will be trying to go into the medical field and try to be a physical therapist or a chiropractor.” It’s to note that, off the record, Logan explains that he used to work as a patient transport, bringing him an extra step closer to his future goals.

Ultimately, he settles back into plan A’s realm, saying “I think better when I’m exercising, and generally, my head is in a better place when I’m working out.”