Sunlake’s Yoga Club
Members of the yoga club doing some stretches.
February 7, 2023
Here at Sunlake, there are many clubs and activities for our Seahawks to join. One popular club is the yoga club. This club provides a way for people to distress and practice yoga together. Yoga builds strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body. It combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. This practice originated in India and can affect the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of a person. In each meeting, club members do a quick meditation at the beginning and then follow it with yoga routines.

This club has significance to all of its members. Yoga helps our students destress in a healthy way and improve their mental health. It benefits the body and improves someone’s overall health. The yoga club hopes to spread this practice to more people in the future. It has an important impact on many students as they find new ways to better themselves. Members agree that this is a worthwhile club for Sunlake because it overall betters students and it’s a fun club to partake in with your friends. In the end, yoga club not only improves students well-being, but it also brings people together to enjoy a fun and relaxing activity.