Percussion Premiere
The percussion ensemble groups together at their trailer after taking first place.
February 27, 2023
The Sunlake Indoor Percussion Ensemble (SLIPE) took their show “Our Eclipse” to the FFCC Percussion Premiere. Though their show was unfinished, as they did not even have the music for the finale, they swept through the competition and took first place in their division. The show involves a poem called “A letter to the Sun from the dark side of the Moon” by Ranata Suzuki, and depicts the stages of grief and suffering through the loss of a loved one. The battery, which includes the drum and cymbal lines, represents the sun while the front ensemble, which includes marimbas, vibraphones, aux, and electronics, represents the moon. The show was not completed at the time, but SLIPE will only continue to improve.

Sophomore Megan Olson “loved premiere because it’s the first competition of the season and it’s always the most memorable for me.” Her favorite part of the day “will always be the beginning before the comp when we’re getting everyone ready.” On the other hand, her least favorite was “probably when I fell during the performance in front of the whole student section and rolled my ankle but, I would most definitely do it over and over again.”