Eliza Lammers is a junior who loves to “…run and read..”. She says that after she graduates high school, she wants “…to work in maternal health and reproductive justice.” Eliza wanted to talk about a class assignment that she is interested in. She decided to choose AP Seminar, which is taught by Ms. Fish in 6th Period. She said that right now they are “…analyzing some research arguments we found on a reliable database.” She also said that they are “…looking for the claims in the text and how they connect to create a line of reasoning, and how the evidence effectively supports the main arguments.” This is what will help them prepare for the AP exam. She said that her topic is ” …called Reproductive Rights or Reproductive Justice? Lessons from Argentina.” For context, Eliza said ” Many women’s health and rights movements in the US have switched from a terminology of reproductive rights to reproductive justice, because it better supports the many concepts that involve healthy, equitable treatment of women and mothers.” She says that “…the concept of reproductive rights can still be useful in some political contexts, using Argentina’s history of women’s rights as an example. AP seminar “… can be tedious and sometimes our discussions in class do not feel genuine because of the school setting. But, I like the freedom the class gives us in choosing our research topics”. She also hopes that “…it will get more interesting as we learn more and can focus on things other than the basics”.

With determination, Eliza focuses on her AP seminar project, analyzing sources and shedding light on women’s health rights. (N/A)